Persuasive Techniques

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

4 Persuasive Techniques To Become A Confident Persuader

Persuasive Techniques and self-confidence go hand in hand. If your self-confidence is low, your ability to persuade people will be low. To boost your self-confidence, ask yourself a simple question, "What praise did I get from people before, that made me more self-assured?" 

Look within yourself for your strong traits, and expand them. What good quality things do others say about you? Copy someone who has used persuasive techniques on you in the past, and improve their strategies.

Think back and remember times you have successfully used persuasive techniques to, sway, influence or motivated somebody. Consider these things:

1) What did you do to convince your crush to be your girlfriend (or boyfriend)? 

2) What did you do to persuade your boss to agree to your request?

3) What did you do to motivate someone to perform better?

4) How did you negotiate with your parents to get a larger allowance?

You may not be aware of it, but there are countless times that you have successfully persuaded people. You may just not be aware that you're using persuasive techniques in those cases.

Write down those instances and think of how you may apply them in your current situation or future use. Find ways in which you can apply persuasion in your everyday life. Here are 4 ways to become a highly confident persuader: 

Persuasive Technique # 1: Be unwavering and resolute in your purpose.

You've got to stand by your objective and never let other people forcefully persuade you into agreeing with them. However, this doesn't mean you remain stiff and inflexible if new data or proof has been presented.

Even if you still don't like their idea, at least appear to consider their opinion in your decision. This shows respect and humility. Say something like, "You got a good point there. I'll certainly take that into consideration."

Persuasive Technique # 2: You also have to be passionate with your words and body language.

When you show enthusiasm, people are more likely to be influenced because you make it seem like you're so sure about your idea. Sometimes they will just stay silent when you're talking to them. This will make you feel uncomfortable and might sway you to just give up with your efforts. In this case... 

Persuasive Technique # 3: Never be discouraged.

Prepare your message well and stay focused on your target. When you're requesting something and they stay silent, don't just go away unsatisfied. When they want you to do something and they stay quiet after you've told them you can't do it, make a stand! Stick by your decision.

Explain to them the valid reasons why you want or don't want to do something. If they stayed silent to make you feel uncomfortable, don't just agree with what they want. Keep your cool. Talk to them again and tell them that your decision is final.

If they frown, fold their arms, take a deep breath, or shake their heads, apply the same procedure. Be confident while communicating and stay unaffected by their distracting moves or actions. 

What if they told you that they remembered the discussion to be different? Isn't it frustrating to have agreed on something and they suddenly said that they heard it in a different perspective? 

You can kindly ask them to prove it. You can ask when, how, or where it was said. If they cannot maintain constancy of data and accuracy in their statements, then you've got a winning case.

Persuasive Technique # 4: Get as much space as you can to be perceived as confident. 

Spread your arms and legs in a graceful manner. You will be conceived as an authority in command. 

However, exuding confidence doesn't mean you show the world how great you are or boast about your "achievements." The truth is, insecure - not confident - people do that to make up for their lack of ability or empty feeling. Besides, we hate arrogant people. 

Maintain your confidence at all times, and your persuasive techniques will bring powerful results.

About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed “How to be a Master Persuasion Wizard”. It reveals mind-altering persuasive techniques and secrets to tremendously enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, develop rock-solid self-confidence, and influence anyone to your way of thinking. If you invest in his book, you'll automatically be a valued member of the Persuasion Wizard Master Club.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Persuasive Techniques Law of expectation

In this post, I am going to disclose some outrageous persuasive techniques to help you persuade other people to do what you want.
Have you ever heard of the term "You get what you expect?" this is a fact supported by a persuasion law identified as expectation, below are 4 persuasive techniques that utilizing this principle.

Persuasive Techniques # 1 - Parkinson's Law

Do you want to know how to use expectation to persuade people to complete responsibilities 2 or 3 times, quicker? If the job requires 3 months to finish, tell them it has to be done within 3 weeks. The magic in this is that the work will be completed in a span of time based on a person's expectation of how long they have to do it. Parkinson's Law states "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."
If they absolutely cannot do it in that length of time, use another persuasion technique - the principle of comparison. Let them know that if they can generate superb results, they will be given, a 2-weeks of additional time. They will evaluate both time frames and probably even thank you for giving them enough time! You gave them the inkling that they are given a lot of time (because you've added 2 weeks to the original 3-week deadline), even when the task can take up to 3 months to finish.

Persuasive Techniques # 2 - Be Specific.

Another good way to exploit the power of expectation is to be as specific as possible. If you can say, "I know you're a fast writer who can turn out at least 7 quality articles within 5 hours" instead of "I know you to be a fast and efficient writer," then the results will be better and more accurate.

Persuasive Techniques # 3 - Find Similarities To Point Out

To effectively persuade people, find a point of similarity connecting you and the person you're persuading.
For example, if the both of you are members of a trustworthy association. You can say something like, "As a fellow member of 'Justice for All Inc.,' I know you want justice to be served at all times. I respect you and regard you as one of my heroes. I'm sure many people treat you the same. Just want to thank you in advance for continuing the fight to give justice to Mr. Jones."

Persuasive Techniques # 4 - Expect To Be Expected.

Keep in mind also that people base their expectations on various aspects such as your physical qualities, your surroundings, etc. Everyone will expect a neatly dressed and well-groomed person to be wealthy and successful; that's why it pays to look good when you're persuading others. If you wear dirty clothes and have unkempt hair, you'll be treated as someone who has bad manners, and they won't expect good outcome from you. The same goes if you have an orderly and tidy home. People will expect you to be an organized person.

These 4 persuasive techniques can be applied in almost any situation. Just remember to communicate your expectation well and you'll see great results.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Persuasive Techniques: Sales and Motivation

Persuasive techniques are one of the most powerful sales and motivation methods you can learn. By using them, you're able to place an idea inside the mind of a person - such as the desire to buy your product or sign up with your company - while convincing them that it was their idea rather than yours.
Persuasive Techniques: In Selling Or Marketing
Say you are trying to sell a particular product or service. Instead of beginning with a sales pitch for your product, you engage your prospect in a conversation about what they need.
Once you know what their need is, you can start by telling them that you had the same problem, and then tell them how you solved it using the product that you are selling.
Here's an important thing to remember when using persuasive techniques: Don't focus on the merits of the product, but rather on how the product can help meet the prospect's need or solve their problem.
Be sincere when you are telling them how the product helped you. And even if they are not yet responsive, never contradict them or tell them they are wrong.
Persuasive Techniques: In Motivating People
To motivate people, begin by presenting the objective to be met and the timeframe in which it has to be accomplished, and then plant a seed of encouragement in the person's mind.
You can tell them, for instance, "I know that you are a good worker who can complete this task in a week." By doing this, you are placing the idea in their head that they can meet the objective by the stated deadline.
Keep in mind that the secret of effective persuasive techniques lie in the perception that you are not overtly selling to them or ordering to do a particular task, but engaging them in a conversation in which what you are asking them to do is for their own benefit, rather than yours; and most importantly, that it was their own idea.
About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed “How to be a Master Persuasion Wizard”. It reveals mind-altering persuasive techniques and secrets to tremendously enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, develop rock-solid self-confidence, and influence anyone to your way of thinking. If you invest in his book, you'll automatically be a valued member of the Persuasion Wizard Master Club.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Persuasive Techniques: Tips To Impress Your Customers

In every industry, it's important to know how to establish a relationship with customers. It does not matter if you're a butcher, a baker or a candle stick maker; you need to connect with your customers.
It's not at all to do continue reading and I will give you a couple of tips to establish a great working relationship with your customers.
Persuasive Techniques Tip # 1: Never Forget their Name
Remembering your customer’s name is very important. You may take this for granted, but I am sure you have taken offence before when someone has forgotten your name.
While it’s not really possible to memorize the names of every customer that comes in your store, you can at least remember the names of your regular customers.
If you're dealing with customers on the Internet, always make sure you address them by their names when you send them an e-mail.
Persuasive Techniques Tip # 2: Know Your Customers
Getting to know your customers is a great way for you to get ahead of them, and maybe be able to sell them something they did not think about.
A lot of people visit the same restaurants because the staff gets to know there tastes.  It is a smart move on the waiter to know the small things (like no lemon with water). It gives the customer a sense of familiarity.
For example if John goes to his favorite restaurant every Wednesday the staff should greet him by name and try to seat him at a table they know he likes. Most likely he gets the same meal but you mention specials that are close to what he likes, it show you pay attention to his tastes.
Persuasive Techniques # 3: Make Sure They Feel Special
There is nothing that helps more to establish a relationship with your customer better and faster than special treatment. It is more than just remembering their name. You want to give them an experience that nobody else gets.
This could be in the form of special giveaways, discounts, or even free memberships. A great example could be when John comes in, you welcome him (by name) then tell him you are trying out a new appetizer and would like to give him one on the house.
If you make them feel special it will grantee that they will be back.
It is easy to use very subtle persuasive techniques to connect with your customers. It is something that will help you gain a customer for life.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Which Of These Persuasive Techniques Best Suits You?

Over the years, salespeople have given themselves a bad reputation for being pushy and persistent when the customer least wants it. No matter what tools of persuasion they have under their sleeve, people try their best to resist them. The image of an annoying door-to-door salesperson is constant on their mind.
But when you think about it, we're all salespeople. We sell products, ideas and beliefs to other people as well as to ourselves. We also use different persuasive techniques to put our message across. Some of us are better at it than others though.
Below are some tools of persuasion you might have encountered in the past.
Tools of Persuasion # 1: Glittering Generality
Glittering generality is the art of using vague but sparkly words to make other people think your product is special.
Words like "all new!" or "new and improved!" are often employed to arouse the interest of the customer. I see these words a lot when I go to the grocery store. Shampoos, detergent powders and lotions are always using persuasive techniques.
But what is so new and so improved about these products? Are they really so vastly different from the old ones? That's the thing about glittering generality.
Just seeing the words "new and improved" compels us to buy a certain product! Everyone wants to have the latest reincarnation of a product.
Tools of Persuasion # 2: Bandwagon
Have you ever heard of the phrase "joining the bandwagon?" If you know what that means, then you must have a pretty good idea of what the bandwagon persuasive techniques are all about.
It's basically telling your customers that hundreds of others have already joined the club and that you should, too!
Look at the McDonald's campaign that says millions served. Since everybody else loves their burgers and fries, you know that you definitely will as well. There's something so fun about the bandwagon technique that I find it to be one of the most effective persuasive techniques out there.
Tools of Persuasion # 3: Name Calling
Name calling is one way of comparing your product with another. Among all the methods of persuasion, this one is more negative as it requires you to say less than wonderful things about your product's competition. I wouldn't recommend this technique unless you can back it up with reliable proof and you're not intentionally damaging another's reputation. Nonetheless, I'm just making you aware.
I remembered an incident when I was still in college. There was some sort of catfight between two women on who a popular tennis captain should go out with. The fight went on for days with name calling left and right. Girl A was spreading "notorious" news about Girl B, and Girl B didn't realize it until it was too late. From what I've heard, there was some truth to what Girl A said, and that helped the tennis captain make a decision.
There are different persuasive techniques for different people. Now that you have read this article, do you have any idea which one best suits you?
About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed “How to be a Master Persuasion Wizard”. It reveals mind-altering persuasive techniques and secrets to tremendously enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, develop rock-solid self-confidence, and influence anyone to your way of thinking. If you invest in his book, you'll automatically be a valued member of the Persuasion Wizard Master Club.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

3 Persuasive Techniques That Work Every Time

There are numerous ways on how to be more persuasive. Some of them require nothing more than a change in demeanor, while others require you to change your entire approach. Some of these persuasive techniques you might already know, while others might be untested waters for you.
If you want to know how to be more persuasive, read on!
Persuasive Technique # 1: Exploit Every Weakness.
It pays to be perceptive when practicing the art of persuasion. Why? Because every miniscule detail could hold the key to a person's undoing.
And by undoing, I don't mean exacting harm on your target. That's not the kind of persuasion you should be doing. I'm talking about learning how to make the most of every situation, but using ethical means.
For example, does the person you wish to persuade have a soft spot for animals? Does he or she have difficulty saying no to people in public (or even in the presence of their significant others)? Don't be afraid to take advantage of these little things, because these trivial things have the ability to make your life a whole lot easier.
Persuasive Technique # 2: Get Into Their Good Graces.
If you want to know how to be more persuasive, you should figure out how to get on your target's good side. Doing that is pretty tricky.
Some people like it when you go to them for advice. Others like it when they don't have to supervise you all the time. What makes a person tick is different for everybody. You have to understand what your target likes and dislikes.
Persuasive Technique # 3: Don't Sound Desperate.
One powerful way on how to be more persuasive is to act like you don't have to work too hard at persuading your target. If, for example, you're trying to get people to donate to a charity cause, don't badger everyone around you for donations saying that it's for a good cause and so on and so forth.
Instead, be happy and cheerful with your approach. Give them a short (read: short) overview on how amazingly successful the campaign has been. Avoid talking too rapidly either. Instead, be cool and composed.
Ask them if they want to make a donation afterward. If they say that they can't contribute at the moment, give them a card or tell them your website, and let that be the end of that. The next time they see your campaign, they'll remember how pleasant you've been and might give their contribution then.
Learning how to be more persuasive can be quite tricky. However, as long as you have a basic understanding of your target person or audience, you won't have a problem persuading people, swaying points of view or even getting donations.
About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed “How to be a Master Persuasion Wizard”. It reveals mind-altering persuasive techniques and secrets to tremendously enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, develop rock-solid self-confidence, and influence anyone to your way of thinking. If you invest in his book, you'll automatically be a valued member of the Persuasion Wizard Master Club.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Persuasive Techniques: How To Influence People Using The Power Of Persuasion

Everyone needs persuasive techniques - from the mom who wants her son to eat vegetables, to the son who wants a bike from his dad, to the dad who wants a raise from his boss and so on.
You too must have your own reasons for needing persuasion skills. Whether these reasons are personal or professional, you've come to the right place.
They say that persuasion skills depend highly on logic. While logic does have a place in decision-making, nothing gets you what you want faster than emotions. Persuasion is mostly about appealing to their emotions first. Let me show you some powerful ways to persuade and influence people.
1) Tea for Sympathy
One way to work your persuasive techniques is by appealing to people's sympathetic nature. Take those charity coin banks, for example. Do you think people donate to them because it's the logical thing to do? No. People drop their coins in those charity coin banks because they feel that they need to do their part as a member of society.
What about people who support charities like cancer research or those for the disabled? Many of these supporters have either been through something like that or knew someone who has (or had) that particular affliction.
2) Using Laughter to Persuade People
If your persuasive techniques need a little polishing, you might want to work on your sense of humor. Laughter, after all, is not just the best medicine. It's also one of the best persuasion tools.
When you make someone laugh, you automatically make them feel more at ease with you. In fact, John Cleese of the famous comedy group Monty Phyton has said, "If I can get you to laugh with me, you like me better, which makes you more open to my ideas. And, if I can persuade you to laugh at a particular point that I make, by laughing at it you acknowledge it as true."
3) Greed is Gold
Let's face it. People can be greedy sometimes. But when it comes to persuasive techniques, greed is not something to frown upon; it's something you use to get people right where you want them!
Are you selling lottery tickets? Appeal to people by regaling to them tales of what could be. Are you selling jewelry? Get people to buy them by way of compliments. Tell them how great the stones look on them and how they'll be the envy of everyone else.
Not everyone is born with persuasive techniques, but you can definitely learn them and become a master persuader.
About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed “How to be a Master Persuasion Wizard”. It reveals mind-altering persuasive techniques and secrets to tremendously enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, develop rock-solid self-confidence, and influence anyone to your way of thinking. If you invest in his book, you'll automatically be a valued member of the Persuasion Wizard Master Club.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Subliminal Persuasive Techniques

Subliminal persuasive techniques are the way of getting another party to agree with you without outwardly doing so and without the other person noticing that you were trying to persuade him or her. A lot of people do not even notice that they have been won over by a simple smile - thus, making even that a tool for subliminal persuasion. It is essential in becoming an influential leader.
You can subliminally persuade another person through two techniques: via his or her own words, and via inflection, or the particular words we give emphasis to in a given statement. A simple sentence like "I can't assure you that" can have a lot of meanings, depending on which word you have inflected. See the examples below.
I can't assure you that. (But somebody else probably can)
I can't assure you that. (No way that will happen!)
I can't assure you that. (But, if you're lucky, you might get it.)
I can't assure you that. (But I can if it's somebody else.)
I can't assure you that. (Maybe I can assure you something else.)
Giving off what we mean via inflection is subtle. It will also help spare you from being overtly direct, especially if you're the type who hates the thought of turning someone down. Understanding which words to emphasize will save you from this awkward moment (yet you still get to have things go your way).
Another way to use subliminally persuasive techniques on other people is to have them eventually agree with you without them noticing it (because they thought it was their idea). This is a rather tricky method of persuasion and not many people might agree with it. But, hey, it works!
When negotiating, repeat what the other person said and then show how you will be able to achieve what they want for them. Be consistent so you don't run the risk of contradicting yourself. As long as you have what the other party needs, you hold an advantage.
Here's an example. Let's say you're trying to sell used cars to a friend. After listening to the other person tell you what he or she is looking for in a used car, emphasize the items being sought in the vehicles you have in your roster. It will be difficult for the other party to say 'no' since you already have what he or she said he or she needed. This is what subliminal persuasion is; and when employed the right way, it works like a charm every time.
There's nothing bad about using such clever persuasive techniques to get what you want. That's the way life is played. This is how the rest of the world operates. The important thing is always go for the win-win resolution. If your persuasive techniques are powerful enough (and even cunning enough), you'll have no trouble winning people over.
Some like to call this influence; some argue this is foolery. However you might choose to view it, it is effective. And it won't be a surprise if you attempt to employ these effective strategies in the future; that is, if you haven't already applied them in the past.
About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed “How to be a Master Persuasion Wizard”. It reveals mind-altering persuasive techniques and secrets to tremendously enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, develop rock-solid self-confidence, and influence anyone to your way of thinking. If you invest in his book, you'll automatically be a valued member of the Persuasion Wizard Master Club.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Persuasive techniques - How to Persuade Your Prospect to Make a Commitment

You've been in this situation before. You spend an entire afternoon talking animatedly about the merits of this one product you're trying to sell; and after wasting about a bucket of saliva on the effort; Your prospect tells you he cannot possibly find any use for it.
Deep inside, surely you'd want to lash out at him for pulling your leg in the first place. But, hey, that's just part of the challenges of being in the sales industry.
How do you use persuasive techniques on a person, who thinks he doesn't need your product, to actually believe on his own that what you're selling is indispensable and something he shouldn't be leaving home without?
This sounds like an impossible feat, doesn't it? But it's actually very possible. You just have to know what buttons to push to get a 'yes'.
And that button, much to the surprise of many, is pain. Yes, you read that right. Hit your prospect where it hurts without him knowing that he has been subliminally injured. It is in his pain where he is unguarded and very likely to succumb to whatever you say.
How is this done using persuasive techniques? Think of it this way. All of the things in this world, no matter how seemingly far-fetched, has a potential value for your prospective buyer. Every person needs something, almost often not knowing that he needs it. Your job is to persuade that person that there is something lacking in his life that your product would fill perfectly. This is how you get commitments.
If your prospect is bent on finding a solution to his 'dilemma', then expect him to run to you for respite. After all, you're the one who introduced the concept of this pain in the first place, so you better be smart to know when to reap the fruits of your labor.
When the prospect comes to you, remind him of his quandary. Once it has sunk in on him, be firm and ask for a commitment. More often than not, you will get what you want. However, should it happen that the prospect will still not give his commitment, then perhaps it's best to move on to someone else. It's either he doesn't take you seriously or he really has no resources as of the moment.
In the end, the key to a closed deal is a commitment. If you don't have it, then it would take a lot of luck and persuasive effort from you or someone of influence, or a sudden event, to win one. Always remember the world of sales does not come out with victories at all times. There will be moment when you have to turn around and look the other way. After all, there are billions of people in the world; you will never run out of potential clients.
About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed “How to be a Master Persuasion Wizard”. It reveals mind-altering persuasive techniques and secrets to tremendously enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, develop rock-solid self-confidence, and influence anyone to your way of thinking. If you invest in his book, you'll automatically be a valued member of the Persuasion Wizard Master Club.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hypnotic Persuasive Techniques for Public Speakers: 3 Public Speaking Tips To Mesmerize Your Audience

Effective public speakers have a strange sense of power in them that draws a crowd like a moth to the flame. People who are witness to their strength can't help but wonder what gives them such a commanding presence. How can they capture the awe and inspiration of the people? The answer lies in hypnotic persuasive techniques for public speakers.
Of course, these techniques are subtler than you think. Even someone who isn't used to public speaking can make use of these hypnotic persuasive techniques for public speakers.

Hypnotic Persuasive Technique # 1: Modulate Your Voice.

Public speakers use their voices as their main weapon. They change their tone and their volume depending on what kind of impression they want to leave to their audience.
If the public speaker wants to intimidate the people, he would probably harden his voice and raise the volume a little bit more. On the other hand, if the speaker is looking for sympathy, he would probably soften his voice down to an almost whisper.
This is one of the methods of persuasion for public speakers that deals mostly with emotions.

Hypnotic Persuasive Technique # 2: Use Your Eyes.

Public speakers also have their eyes to help them capture their audience. Some public speakers like to give piercing gazes to different parts of the crowd when talking about a certain issue.
If you want to have power over others, let your eyes do half of the talking for you. Practice your facial expressions in front of the mirror until you get used to the feeling.

Hypnotic Persuasive Technique # 3: Use Other Body Language Signals.

Body language is one of the most powerful hypnotic persuasive techniques for public speakers. Each person has his own style.
Notice that some public speakers rarely move their body; but when they do, it has such a large impact over the audience. Then there are speakers who are very animated and excited that even the crowd can't help but get riled up.
If you find yourself in a position where you need to appear persuasive, remember what kind of movement effective public speakers make and you've won half the battle.
These are just some of the hypnotic persuasive techniques for public speakers. Incorporating them into your own life can bring you a lot of benefits. Not only will they help you persuade more people, they will also help you become more comfortable in your own skin. Soon, expressing yourself and getting other people to agree with you would be a piece of cake.

About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed “How to be a Master Persuasion Wizard”. It reveals mind-altering persuasive techniques and tactics to tremendously enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, develop rock-solid self-confidence, and influence anyone to your way of thinking. If you invest in his book, you'll automatically be a valued member of the Persuasion Wizard Master Club.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How to be a Better Salesperson Using Persuasive Techniques

If you're in the business world, perhaps the most challenging part of the entire experience is selling. Indeed, nothing is more nail-biting than waiting for the other party to decide whether he or she agrees with you on the merits of a certain product or not.
You will likely go through countless books and spend long hours of research on topics like negotiation training, business plans and strategies, resource management and obviously, selling. But one of the most important tools a salesperson should possess, in order to be successful in selling, is persuasive techniques.
First, the attitude of persuasion comes from within. You have to believe and convince yourself that you can sell, and sell a lot!
You have to orient and tell yourself that you have the capacity to offer a product or service to someone else; have him need what you're offering.
If you cannot develop that sense of persuasion in yourself, then it would be very difficult to become a persuasive salesperson. Develop the attitude and belief of being a persuasive salesperson even to the least of things. How? You need to use the persuasive techniques on yourself first.

Two, you cannot sell something you do not know anything about. You can have a hundred stocks of the best and latest necessity known to man; but without knowing a thing about it, you would not be able to sell a single item. So to be a persuasive salesperson, you have to know the details. Research and study. You have to know the most intricate details of what you're selling because people are going to be asking a lot questions about it.
Even if you're simply trying to be a persuasive food salesperson, you have to know what you're offering. Vegans, vegetarians, ornish, and pritikin consumers are going to be asking; and you are the only one who can respond. You wouldn't want to buy from someone who himself is doubtful over what he's selling. If you can't respond, then you can't sell. You can't sell what you know nothing about.
Finally, there's confidence. Now that you're equipped with the attitude and knowledge on how to use persuasive techniques as a salesperson, you can try overcoming that fear inside you to come up to that person and persuade him that he needs what you have. It's that same fear that separates the common salesperson from the successful ones.
This is the time you should begin asking yourself the "What-Ifs". "What if he ignores me?" "What if he's in a hurry?" "What if he doesn't need it?" These are the questions frequently asked by those who don't have the other two qualities on how to be a persuasive salesperson. If you know you can sell and you know what you're selling, confidence will materialize independently. Then you can casually come up to anyone qualified and sell successfully.
The power of persuasive techniques is an indispensable tool and you should hone your skills within these three principles. Keep them to heart and before you know it, you'll be earning more figures than you can ever expect.
About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of the highly acclaimed “How to be a Master Persuasion Wizard”. It reveals mind-altering persuasive techniques and tactics to tremendously enhance your relationships, boost your career and business, develop rock-solid self-confidence, and influence anyone to your way of thinking. If you invest in his book, you'll automatically be a valued member of the Persuasion Wizard Master Club. Go to The Power of Persuasion
for the exciting details.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Persuasive Techniques

Dear Friends,
If someone promises to give you persuasive techniques that can make anyone do almost anything you want, would you give it a chance?
That's what Michael Lee claims to do at:
Yeah, it seems a little exaggerated, and you almost feel as though he’s giving you the keys to some sort of black magic or 'dark' power.
But he swears under oath his secrets are not based on the 'dark' side...
...Despite giving you the absolute power to put anyone under your control and change their way of thinking.
The only favor Michael asks is that you use his persuasive techniques ethically and responsibly.

Michael has such a wonderful writing style. As you go through his program, you get the feeling that he is right there with you, guiding you gently through the material.
I think that part of this comes from Michael's sincere honesty. He doesn't try to overpower you with his credentials like so many false guru wanna-be's out there.
Inside Michael's persuasive techniques program, you will discover:
- A very powerful strategy that will make anyone reveal exactly how they want to be sold. This is key to making lots of money!
- 5 secrets to read minds. This is mind-blowing stuff that even mentalists and magicians don't want you to know!
- How to make your dream girl or boy fall madly in love with you.
- How to accurately detect lies and be a walking lie-detector.
- How to use the "magic touch" to get anyone to do what you want. This is so sneaky they won't even notice you doing it to them.
- 5 crucial things you should do (and not do) with your eyes to build trust and be liked.
- The amazing "anti-pressure" strategy that will make your prospects beg you to sell your product or service to them!
- How to easily talk to anyone and make people love to talk to you.
- How to make people doubt and change their beliefs, no matter how stubborn or close-minded they are.
- How to set yourself free from manipulators and controlling people who love to "dictate" your every action and decision.
And much, much more!
Secure your copy persuasive techniques now before Michael increases his price:

Power of Persuasion
Best of luck to you,
Bazil Osevin